February 8, 2025

Successful Relationships Can Form From Online Dating



People are quick to say how much of a loser someone must be to look for love online. Ask people if they’ve ever tried to get together with someone online. Without hesitation, they’ll be ready to deny being a part of anything of the sort. After all most people consider it to be embarrassing. Why would you want to meet someone online? Is it because you couldn’t meet someone in real life? The question people really need to be asking is, what’s the difference between meeting someone online and meeting someone out on the town? You meet a stranger in the club just like you would meet a stranger online. A person can portray himself or herself falsely as easily in person as they can online. The only reason its taboo is because it’s not the norm.


A family member of mine and her husband just got married at the beginning of this year. Before that, they were engaged for around one year and together for (without any breaks might I add) for about five. They met on Black Planet. Some of you are probably thinking there’s no way in hell, but it’s true. He was from North Carolina and she was from Oklahoma. They both created profiles on the website. At some point he messaged her. They talked for sometime before he finally asked for her phone number and they were finally able to hear each other’s voices. Some time after that he proposed that they meet in person. She informed her mother and grandmother of his proposal and of course they were hesitant. They actually told her she couldn’t go unless one or both of them accompanied her. She agreed and they visited him in his hometown. Obviously, it went well because they continued their correspondence after the fact. He came and visited her in Oklahoma. He met her parents and some of her other family members as well. He also has two children. After the relationship became a little more serious she met his children as well. They loved her and she loved him.


I am happy to report that they are now happily married and living together in Oklahoma. This story may or may not be one of many, but what is one positive example. Looking for love online doesn’t have to be scary. It doesn’t have to fail and it can have a happy ending. Be open-minded. You never know who or what you could find.

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