March 12, 2025

Albums You Should Love: Alice Smith – “She”


 Grammy nominated singer/songwriter/producer Alice Smith released her sophomore album She in March 2013. The authenticity of her voice and her outstanding 4-octave range draws you in on this album. The musical progressions on each song is breath taking, the instrumentation on this album is eclectic which matches Alice Smith’s style so wonderfully, but it’s her voice that stands out the most on this album. There’s so much versatility on every song, you can’t really define it by slapping a name of a genre on it. It’s a conceptual album, her musicality is like a painter. She knows how to control her voice, and she knows when to put the right stroke on the brush to make her musical vision to become a reality with the lyrics. She’s showcasing powerhouse vocals but the music kind of puts you at ease at the same time. The instrumentation beautifully accompanies her vocal styling, it’s just a masterful album in its entirety.



She is available in stores now and is available for (digital) purchase via iTunes and Amazon.


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